Vehicle/Car registration in Dubai Procedure
Step 1 : Car Fitness Test
step 2 :Car Insurance renewal
Step 3 : Car Registration renewal.
Car / Vehicle Fitness Test
If Your vehicles which are more than 3 years of age you need to do vevhicle test. There are many vehicle testing centers across Dubai such as Tasjeel, Tamam who carry out the vehicle fitness test services. Typical fees for such a service is around AED 140. The vehicle is basically tested for the effectiveness of Brakes and Gas/Exhaust Tests. This test will take 10 to 20 minutes .
Auto insurance / Vehicle insurance renewal
In the next step you need to renew your Car insurance which can be either Comprehensive or Third party insurance.
Renewal of Vehicle registration
Renewal of your vehicle registration is a formality and is a mandatory requirement for all the vehicles in UAE annually.